
Thursday, 28 August 2014

Beautiful DIY Ideas For Old Newspapers

                This is a family project that you can do together and frame it up. Got the idea from watching art attack. Its either you have it as a family project made from scratch or you can actually buy the items made with plaster of paris powder. For this topic, its for recycle newspapers. Following are the instructions (own visualization needed, sorry bout that) ;
  1. Tear the old and unwanted newspaper into small pieces and soak it overnight in a bucket of water. The quantity of torn newspaper will determine the size of your cast.
  2. After a day soaking, the water is then filtered out and the remaining soaked newspaper are blended until it becomes sort of muddy. Better if you have a special blender for artwork.
  3. The blended newpaper is then added with artwork glue so that it will be moist a but and easily to form out the shape intended. 
  4.  Form the shape intended. Here, i had made it into a medium layer flat plate, press your family hand print all together and then have it dried out in the sun. It will become hard as a rock when dried.
  5. Paint as you like. We had bought copper color paint to make it look 'expensive'
  6. This is the end result...
    Hand print fossil (izzan at the age of 3yrs old)
    There are other wonderful DIY ideas for old news papers that can be done. Among listed in the following links are pieces of artwork for ribbons, flowers, wall projects, house decorations, stools and even dresses. The part that i like most was the wicker basket..
Ideas for Old Newspaper via

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Ceramic Chalkboard tags by Kim Wallace

     These are some cool ideas using ceramic . Instead of the ordinary vase, Kim Wallace Ceramics online shop has a range of creative gift items which can be turned into a unique and sustainable gifts for the loved ones. Click on the link to purchace or just window shopping. It be a nice feature for the table set of a restaurant or as a deco items. Sneak preview of the items below;

A unique collection of functional & decorative ceramics, made by hand on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. How unique is that?!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Color Chips

      For some of us, you may have a collection of these color chips aither taken or given by the supplier. At some point i'd just collect them and save it thinking one day perhaps. ill be using it to choose a color to paint a wall. Well usually when the time comes, you'd rather straight away go to the store and end up buying it there and then or consulting it with the designer. So the chips that were kept at home? Here are a picto of a simple way of using it in other ways... Enjoy

Picture of Paint chips (via )

Monday, 18 August 2014

How To Cut A glass Bottle In 30 Seconds With A Perfect Edge

Ever wonder how they would get those miniature ships into bottles the size of a hand fist? Well found this trick which shows you how to cut a bottle in 30 seconds. May try it one day on a n ordinary bottle as an experiment. Though be very careful as this deals with glass and what not.

                                                   Cutting glass bottle in 30 second

Sunday, 17 August 2014

How to transfer photo to canvas

If your within a budget and would like to come out with a DIY canvas with a marvelous picture on it, well this is a simple method in doing so. Brought to you by Bonney Lake store the following link will show a glimps on how to manage this process. May have to go to the hardware store and check on the gel medium used though.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

3d Doodle

This is such a cool tool to make 3d models and stuffs. Would really like one of this in my art and crafts collection. For the students and architects/ designers out there this would be the next best thing beside sktchup or other computerize gadgets to visualize your ideas rite? Wonder if its in the Malaysia market already??

       Here's another cool tool. A prototyping gadget. Just draw it out..

So what do you think??

Patients Plants

          Have been experimenting on this quite lately. Due to long trips back to 'kampung' or hometown or going on vacations, leaving the plants unattended just seems as guilty as having the plants starve. huhu..The first attempt was using a normal water bottle by turning it upside down and punching a tiny hole to the cap. By allowing the water to flow down, a string was connected through it from the inside of the bottle. It worked for a while but i couldn't control the amount of water flow and how long it would last. By the next day, the bottle was empty already.
Experiments on water drips
       Later then with some excess to drips used at the local hospital, i was able to recycle it and by having its tube connected to it, it was easy to control the water drips. From slow to fast flow. That did the trick for the time being. A few lasted within 3-5 days while others only lasted a day also. Couldn't get an exact control on the drip flow controller.. and another thing it depends on the volumn of water which also makes it flow faster or slower..
       So the experiments goes on. Should invent a gadget that can provide water for the plants at certain hours or with a precise drip controller to it. They do have one in the market, some what like a teardrop tube but i havent tried it yet. With the price that's put on the product, id put it on KIV and try my own experiments first =P..
My small balcony garden
          Oh yes,the last but not least idea that could at least be able to give a little but not much water to the plants is using the evaporation method.  Put a small container with water and cover it with a bigger container upside down (picture as follow). So the water will evaporate up and back down from the big container above it. works for now just to keep the ground moist a little. I guess the bigger the container the more watter it would collect. Any other ideas to keep plants watered during long trips to buzz me up. Id be eager to know about it..

Spider Plant with the small container.

Jasmine plant with its own container
Cheers and Wassalam

Monday, 11 August 2014


Customized Ramadhan Card

   Love to see all these woodcarvings. Got the interest from my dad i guess. Remembered if it wasn't during school class carving the edge of the wood table (opps!), i'd be carving the leftover tissue roll for fun. Anything with delicate details that brings out the volume of the image got my attention.

    Here's a recent activity which was a Ramadhan greeting card had it customized with its own touch. Was all geared up with all the tools when i noticed that the Soldering Gun (alat pemateri) wasnt functioning. Haha my luck! Yeah that was the only thing i could think off that would burn the wood and give a wooden brown effect. Used it before for the same technique since i didnt know that there are other such items meant for this specialties. Got the wooden effect before but since the equipment wasnt working, I had to find out quick of another tool..

The carved balsa wood made using the soldering gun back in 2009
Pen Battery Engraver
  So for this Ramadhan greeting card, i needed something that was HOT and can carve the balsa wood. At that moment i could only think of the pen battery engraver that i had bought before. Its a cool tool but the end result is not as perfect as those which are shown in the picture and no wood burn effect. So be advised. And above all you must be wearing a goggle or an eye and nose protector from the fine dust created. The end result is in the picture with the hamper ;p

    Anyway, what got my attentions was the equipment used in the video above. Still looking for the one which is like the soldering gun. Saw it once during a chinese new year promotion at Mid Valley Mega Mall the a dude was 'drawing' a childs image using that tools mentioned (Following pictures. That was cool! Well the technology will evolve as new days come. I wonder what kind of gadgets will be invented when my son grows big... Lets stay tune..
End Result of the Greeting Card using the pen engraver with the hamper packages. Source from #BrimmBrouneeSetapak.

A man carving a portraits of a child using a soldering type of equipment

The detail sketch of a child

Wrapping Flowers

Ahh yess ever wonder how to wrap flowers. Its a simple job actually but it pays off a lot. Here is a video link from Widdups which i think is detail enough in describing how to wrap all kinds of flowers with his own techniques. Something new to learn. =p Gonna try and do some one day! Thanks

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Rocks Imprint

 [ Rocks Imprint ]

 Cool artwork! if you have broken tiles, rocks or other unused materials, do try this. Click on the images to its main link..
Example of the Rock Imprint made by Rosemary

Regards ^^

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Removing Labels from Jars

Here we go with the easiest way to get those sticky sticker off the jar. Hopefully this goes with other materials such as plastics and aluminum. The list goes on. Had just bought a liquid from 'Daiso' especially on this matter but to make em our self would be much more easier and cheaper.. Hope the solution works! Saving this for future usage. Hope it be a good source of reference for you! Do inform if it works..